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SEO is the process of making a website rank higher in search engines such as Google. There are many different factors that can affect how high your site ranks, including backlinks and keywords. SEO is used to increase visibility for brands on social media sites as well.

Getting on the first page of Google in 10 easy steps:

1) Consistency –

Content should be updated regularly with fresh content and information about your industry or niche. This helps keep visitors coming back and ensures relevance to current trends.

One way to keep fresh content on your site is by utilizing a blog. Blogs are often more informal than a website and provide an opportunity for visitors to share their own stories or thoughts about the topic at hand. Utilizing a blog for your business can also be cost-effective, as it doesn’t require the purchase of expensive domain names and hosting services.

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How to get on the first page of Google in 10 easy steps 6

2) Social Media Marketing –

Blogs, images, videos, websites all need links from other sources online to help boost their ranking within search engine results pages (SERPs).

Tip #1: Do your research

Do your research to determine what sites you want to market your business on. It is important to pick sites that will be most effective for reaching the audience you want to reach. For example, if you are targeting mothers, then parenting sites such as Facebook and Pinterest would be good choices for social media marketing.

Tip #2: Build an Audience

You need to develop a strategy for building an audience on the site(s) you have chosen. This can be done in two ways – by increasing the number of followers or by increasing engagement (likes, shares, etc). For example, if Instagram is one of the sites you have chosen, then you could post pictures of things that you sell or your business location.

Tip #3: Positive and Engaging Content

The content on your social media pages should be positive, engaging and directly related to your industry or niche. It is also a good idea to vary up the way you post – for example, if you are posting pictures of products in the beginning, then make sure to intersperse these with personal pictures or videos that show your customers a different side of you. Be personable and friendly with your posts, but don’t make the mistake of being overly sales-y. Your social media pages are a great way for people who already love what you do to feel closer to you – not just another company trying to sell them something.

Tip #4: Links and Content

Content on your social media pages should include links back to your website for more information or products. This can be done with pictures by using the link shortening service from bitly (http://bit.ly/), a free tool that you can use to shorten any url.

Tip #5: Be Patient

SEO is a process, and it takes time to see results. If you are targeting specific keywords or phrases in your content, it may take some time before those phrases show up in search engine results pages. It’s important that you keep working to improve ranking over a long period of time and don’t get discouraged if there is no immediate improvement.

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How to get on the first page of Google in 10 easy steps 7

3) Keywords –

Use relevant keywords that people would search to find you. However, do not use too many keywords as this can come across as spammy.

#1) What are you selling?

Designing a niche website or selecting a specific field for your business such as nursery decor or software development can help you get more targeted and creative with your keyword research.

#2) What is most relevant to your business?

Think about which keywords would make the most sense for someone looking for what you offer. For example, if you offer accounting services, a good keyword might be “accountant.”

#3) How credible is your content?

If you have been blogging for some time and have built up a following, then it’s likely that this was with the help of good keywords. Content credibility is an important factor in ranking high in SERPs. It’s possible that you can rank for a keyword score of 6 or more even if your domain name isn’t as highly ranked. However, if you have just started out and are encountering an issue with finding where you stand in SERPs, then it might be due to poor content (for example, generic looking website with weak keywords).

By optimizing your site for search engine optimization, you can increase recognition and drive traffic to your site. However it is important not to overdo it – if every single page on your website has a complete list of keywords repeated over and over, this will probably raise red flags with Google’s filtering systems.

4) Links –

Links are the cornerstone of SEO and it is important to have quality links from other websites that viewers trust. Be sure your site has a link-building strategy in place.

Tip #1: Showcase your business on social media

Share pictures and videos from your business’s successes. This will not only allow you to show off what you offer, but can make people more likely to share your content. One simple way is to include a hashtag in the caption like “#mystore” or “#webuildthingstogether” so that other users searching for those hashtags can find your content and possibly share it with their friends too.

Tip #2: Be creative with how you promote yourself

If you’re trying to rank higher for a certain keyword phrase, then it might be helpful to do a search on Google for that particular phrase and see what type of content ranks at the top. You don’t necessarily have to write that type of content, but it can be helpful for inspiration and maybe even give you some ideas on how to rewrite or phrase your own content.

Tip #3: Make it about the customer

Whether you use pictures or video, create social media pages that show off how customers benefit from using your service or product. For example, if you sell accounting software for small businesses, take a picture of a girl using the software who has just opened her first business bank account.

Tip #4: Make it about you

Don’t be afraid to brag about what your company does best and why you are the best at doing it. Part of social media isn’t just about promoting your business – it’s also a way for you to build relationships with the community around you.

Tip #5: Post pictures of your products

People love seeing how purchasing a product can help their lives and make them seem more interesting or attractive. If someone is looking at your site, chances are they are going to be interested in seeing how your product or service can make their lives better.

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How to get on the first page of Google in 10 easy steps 8

5) Content Quality –

Implement a keyword-optimized content strategy to help people learn more about the services or products you offer. This increases your chances of people linking back to your site and generating traffic for years to come.

Tip #1: Research similar companies in your industry

A good way to start brainstorming for content ideas is to do some research and see what others in your industry are doing. Just because you’re the new company in town doesn’t mean you can’t learn from the old two-time winner. Think about what type of content they offer, how they describe it and what specifically attracts people to their site.

Tip #2: Keep a notebook

It’s also important to be mindful of whatever information or thoughts come across your mind throughout the day. Find a place where you can write out any ideas you have for future posts so you don’t forget them (or get frustrated if you’re not able to think of anything).

Tip #3: Start a blog

If you’re really looking for more ideas, it might be helpful to start a blog yourself. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy – just write about whatever is on your mind at the moment and try to draw in some readers.

6) Mobile SEO –

With over 50 percent of users now accessing search engines from their mobile devices, it is important that your website is easily accessible across all mobile devices.

Tip #1: Make sure your site loads quickly

These days with faster mobile data speeds and better devices, people tend to use their smartphones more often. When someone visits your site from their phone, you want to make sure it loads in less than two seconds. A quick way to check this is by opening your site in a browser on your phone and see how long it takes for the home page to load. If it’s taking longer than four seconds to load, chances are that people are going to get frustrated and leave.

Tip #2: Optimize all images for mobile viewing

The images you post should be at least 1000px by 1000px or smaller (depending on data plan). Any text content should be readable without having to zoom in.

Tip #3: Make sure your site is accessible from mobile devices

If someone is searching Google from a phone, they are more likely to click on the top result if it is optimized for viewing on their small screen size. If your site isn’t formatted correctly, people will get annoyed and leave or be forced to scroll down the page to see what they are looking for.

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How to get on the first page of Google in 10 easy steps 9

7) Local SEO –

It is important to implement the proper local SEO strategies in order to show up on local search results and maps across different countries, states or regions.

Tip #1: Claim your business –

Before you can start optimizing your GMB listing, you need to claim it for yourself. Go to the Google My Business website and sign in with your Google account. Once you’re logged in, click on the big blue “Add/Claim Business” button. You’ll be asked to create a username and password for your site and then enter the name of your company. Google will also ask you to add contact info so they know who to contact if they notice any issues with your listing.

Tip #2: Optimize your business summary –

Your business summary is one of the most important parts of your GMB listing. It’s this section of text that people see before anything else when they search for your business on Google Maps or in the Google local listings. Make sure to include keywords that are relevant to your company and encourage people to click on your website link or call you for more information.

Tip #3: Include a detailed address –

It’s also important to make sure all of your contact info, including your address, is up-to-date. Click the “edit” button next to your business location and make sure there are no typos or pop-ups with other information or phone numbers. Whenever someone searches for your company on Google Maps, you want them to see an updated page with all of your correct contact details.

Tip #4: Make sure your photos are up-to-date –

Next, you want to make sure that all of your company photos are current. You can add up to 10 different images on this section but Google will only show the first four. When it comes to the specific image details, Google is looking for a photo with 2 or more people (if possible) as well as a clear shot of the company name and logo so people can know it’s the right business. Make sure to add high quality photos that are at least 1200x1200px.

8) Site Load Speeds –

Page load speeds are a ranking factor for Google. It is important that your website loads quickly so it does not deter visitors from coming back.

-Speed up your website by compressing images , combining assets, and reducing redirects. You can even use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to speed up your website. [http://www.lucidpress.com/services/https-wordpress-seo/]

-Include JS and CSS files only when necessary, and use lazy loading techniques for images and media.

Tip #1: Optimize your website to load fast –

According to Akamai, 77% of shoppers expect a page to load in 2 seconds or less. In fact, 45% of them will abandon the site if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load! The good news is that you can speed up your site by combining files and minimizing redirects. You should also look into using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for faster site performance.

Tip #2: Implement lazy loading techniques –

To further decrease the time it takes to load a webpage, only load JS files when they’re required and use lazy loading techniques for media and images. For example, you can add the following code to your HTML files to automatically hide images that aren’t immediately in view:

Tip #3: Include a CDN –

Another way to speed up your website is by using a Content Delivery Network (CDN). With this technology, webpages are served from servers located closer to the end user. This decreases latency and improves page load speeds. In fact, Akamai reports that nearly all of their customers experience faster performance with CDNs—and nearly half of them saw a double-digit increase in conversion rates!

Tip #4: Optimize your CMS for speed –

If you’re using a Content Management System (CMS), take advantage of its capabilities to optimize and speed up your site. Here are some examples:

– Use static pages if possible instead of dynamic ones; static pages will always load faster than dynamic ones. [http://www.inmotionhosting.com/linux-managed-websites] – Minimize redirects.

Tip #5: Implement a Google Analytics tag –

Google Analytics is an easy way to keep tabs on your website traffic and optimize based off of user data. Here are the basics for getting started with Google Analytics:

Create a new property in Google Analytics. This will be specific to your business location(s).

– If you’re using a Content Management System (CMS), make sure to utilize the Google Analytics capabilities for that. For example, WordPress has plugins available such as Google Analytics by Yoast where you can manually enter the tracking code or automatically have it added to your website header.

Tip #6: Add Schema Markup –

The good news is that Schema markup isn’t that difficult to implement. It’s basically a way to tell Google what type of content you’re presenting. This makes it easier for them to understand your website and show it in the correct search results:

Schema Markup lets Google know about your business phone numbers, hours, street address, and more. This can be accomplished by adding code to your HTML files like this:

Tip #7: Add Social Profiles –

81% of local businesses don’t have a Facebook page or other social media profiles, which is pretty crazy considering that 53% of consumers make their purchase decisions based on social media . So if you don’t have a Facebook page yet, create one now!

Also, you may want to consider implementing Twitter cards which can lead to greater visibility and click-through rates. Here’s more on getting started with Twitter Cards:

9) Site Structure –

Your site structure should be clearly laid out in order for search engines to find the most relevant information about you and your business.

Here are some tips for keeping a site structure that is clear and optimized for both humans and search engines:

– Make it easy to access all of your content from the homepage.

– Create content blocks on pages that focus on specific topics.

– Add a “products” tab to each page that lists all products, making it easy for users to find what they’re looking for.

– Use a unique URL for every page to help make it easier to track back to original content.

– Use schema markup for product or service information.

– If you have a blog, make sure to add it in as another section of your website.

– Make sure that your blog posts are “shareable”. Blogging is a great way to increase your web traffic, but if people can’t share it easily on social media, then you’re missing out on potential visitors. Here’s a good example of how to make it easy for users to spread the word about your content:

10) Personal Branding –

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How to get on the first page of Google in 10 easy steps 10

Your brand should be recognizable and consistent across all communication channels including your website, social media sites and email.

Tip 1: Create a Consistent Voice –

There are two different aspects of personal branding. The first is developing the branding for the business itself, and the second is developing your personal brand. Your website or blog should have a voice that is consistent with any other content you create (blog posts, social media accounts, etc.).

Tip 2: Choose a Consistent “Look” –

Your personal brand also relates to how you present yourself on social media or in person. This includes things like what you wear when presenting yourself to clients, and how your website looks. You want these things to be as consistent as possible so that people can easily recognize you based off those qualities.

Tip 3: Develop Connections –

Make sure you are building strong relationships with other brands that offer a similar service or product as you. You never know when one of them will send business your way, so make sure to actively seek out these opportunities.

For example, if your business is related to automobiles and car repair services , then join associations like the American Automobile Association, a trade organization for local dealerships, mechanics, and car insurance.

Tip 4: Have Fun –

Don’t take your brand too seriously! This is tricky because internet users are increasingly turning to blogs that present themselves in a light-hearted way. If you’re constantly taking yourself too seriously or deleting comments with valid points from users, then it will be difficult for people to get a sense of you as a human being. It’s okay to show your personality and include some fun things on your site!

Tip 5: Remember SEO

Don’t forget to optimize every aspect of your business for search engine visibility. A strong brand can only take you so far if people can’t find you on search engines.

Tip 6: Be Consistent –

Don’t forget to keep a consistent brand across all social media sites. When someone sees your Facebook page, they should be able to quickly recognize it as being part of the same network as your website or blog.

To find out more about how to get on the first page of Google in 10 easy steps (and many more!), please contact us at Knowledge Base Solutions . We are a professional SEO company here to help you with our affordable

Do you want to rank higher in Google search engine results? SEO is a great way to do that. The first step is optimizing your website for SEO, which means using keywords and making it easy for people to find what they’re looking for on your site. Check out our blog post if you need more information about how to get on the first page of Google in 10 easy steps!


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