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This article will discuss 37 ways how to rank your website at the top of Google’s search engine results page.

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How to Rank your Moving Company Website at the Top of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) 3

To do this, you need to optimize for search engines by using keywords, writing content that is engaging and useful, connecting with social media sites so people can find your site easily and more.

Your company may also want to hire a freelance writer who has experience in SEO (search engine optimization) because they know what words are most likely to draw attention from search engines.

By following these few steps regularly, you should be able to see improvements in traffic to your site over time as well! If you’re interested in finding out more about how we’ve helped our clients rank their websites on the first page of Google’s SERPs, check out our  professional  website design services now!

#1 Optimize your content  

With search engines getting smarter and smarter, it’s more important for a site to be optimized for them than ever before. By optimizing your content with keywords, you’ll ensure that your site shows up when people are looking for the products or services you offer. Take a look at your site’s content to see if you’re using the right words and phrases. Is there keyword stuffing? If so, take it out!

#2 Use social media  

One of the best ways to get the word out about your business is through social media. When people who are interested in what you have to offer find you using social media, they’ll share you with their friends and followers. Make sure you engage regularly on Google+, Twitter or wherever your target audience is hanging out online so people will keep coming back to see what new things are happening in your company!

#3 Post regularly  

If at all possible, try to post something new every single day. People will return to your website if you’re consistently posting new content that is useful and relevant. Be sure to focus most of your attention on your site’s main page so as soon as people visit, they know what services or products you offer!

#4 Stay away from keyword stuffing  

When an SEO company uses a lot of keywords in a not-very-interesting manner, it’s called keyword stuffing. While this used to be a useful way to rank your site with search engines, Google is now much more sophisticated and will penalize sites that are keyword stuffed. If you want your site to show up at the top of SERPs, don’t try to force keywords where they don’t fit.

#5 Hire a freelance writer  

If you don’t have much experience with SEO or don’t have time to devote yourself to it, hire a freelance writer instead! Although these writers tend to be more expensive than other methods of getting your site at the top of SERPs, they know how best to use keywords and phrases to get attention from search engines. If you choose to hire a freelance writer, make sure that they are familiar with all of the latest SEO methods so your site will really stand out!

#6 Check your rankings regularly  

Once you’ve gotten everything set up properly and are getting more traffic, make sure you check in every couple of weeks or months to see how your site is ranking. The better the content on your site, the higher it will rank in SERPs. If you’re not seeing results from all of this hard work, consider hiring an SEO professional to help you out.

#7 Know your target audience  

If a website doesn’t have its target audience, it will never rank at the top of SERPs. Once you know who your target audience is and what they are looking for online, targeting them in content becomes much easier. Make sure you know exactly what keywords your audience uses so you can reach them most effectively.

#8 Use white hat SEO techniques  

As with anything, there are ethical ways to do things and not-so-ethical ways. Make sure you consult a professional before trying any black hat methods because they just won’t work anymore!

#9 Try local optimization  

Do you have multiple offices? Make sure you target the right ones with SEO! Local optimization can bring in a lot of organic traffic to your website if done properly. Just make sure that all of your locations are listed and linked to from the main page!

#10 Make sure your business is on GMB and Yahoo! Local  

If you’re already on social media, make sure your business is also listed and linked to on GMB and Yahoo Local. Both of these websites increase traffic for local businesses, so it’s important that yours has a presence there! [ARTICLE END]

#11 Post regularly    

If at all possible, try to post something new every single day. People will return to your website if you’re consistently posting new content that is useful and relevant. Be sure to focus most of your attention on your site’s main page so as soon as people visit, they know what services or products you offer!

#12 Use Google Search Console    

If you’re already using Google Analytics, it’s important to also use Search Console. It will allow you to monitor your website’s performance on internet searches so you can see what keywords people are searching that bring them to your site and more!

#13 Use hashtags    

Hashtags are used on social media and will help you get the word out about your business. If people see on Twitter that someone is talking about moving, they may click on the link to learn more. They may or may not end up using your services but they’ll definitely know who you are!

#14 Don’t try to force keywords where they don’t fit  

As long as people are using the keywords on your site, it doesn’t matter whether or not they make sense there. If people use moving quotes and you have a page that uses moving quotes, put those quotes in there! Do whatever you can to optimize for search engines without being obvious about it.

#15 Use schema.org correctly    

If you’ve noticed, there are a lot of blue words on the web now and this is thanks to schema.org . This makes it much easier for search engines to tell which parts of your site are review sections or contact forms so they can give more weight to that content!

#16 Write for humans and search engines    

If you think that writing for humans doesn’t matter because you’re only trying to attract web crawlers, think again! Write naturally and use proper English instead of being too robotic. If people can understand what you’re trying to say, they’ll be more likely to click through your links if they see them on a SERP!

#17 Use the company’s name in the title tag  

If your online business doesn’t have a lot of brand recognition yet, try not to use your company’s name in the title tags as much. If you know that you’ll be able to rank for your service without including it, then don’t include it! Make sure you’re using long-tail keywords that will attract the right audience to your site.

#18 Use local information  

Are you only an online business, or do you have a physical location where people can come into? If so, make sure you’re including this in your website’s title tag! People are much more likely to click on your listing if you already have a physical location for them to visit.

#19 Write out the whole URL    

URLs are important, so make sure you don’t try to fit everything in one word! Instead of utilisingeliverytoronto , use utlitiesdeliveriesin . All those letters will help boost your site’s ranking.

#20 Touch base with local PR contacts    

If you have a physical location, consider reaching out to the local news and radio for interviews. This is a great way to let your company’s name spread throughout your city!

#21 Use multiple social media accounts  

If you’re already on twitter or Facebook , you should probably be using Google+ too. All of these different accounts can be used to spread the word about your company and that will help you gain more online traction!

#22 Use video  

If you have a YouTube channel , make sure you’re posting videos on there as well as links to your website. It’s a great way to show potential customers what it’s like working with your company.

#23 Have a newsletter  

If people in your area don’t know about you yet, consider sending them an email or two to let them know what you have to offer. This is a great way to get new customers without doing any searching for them!

#24 Use keywords in the meta description  

It’s important to make sure you’re using the right keywords in the right places, so don’t forget to include them in your meta description as well.

#25 Make sure your site loads quickly  

If people are having a hard time loading up your website, they’ll bounce and try somewhere else! See if you can get someone with more SEO experience than yourself to help you speed things up a bit and get rid of any unnecessary weight on your site.

#26 Update the content regularly    

If people can’t see that you’re updating your website, they’ll assume it’s not worth their time to keep checking back with. Make sure there is fresh content on your page so people know that you’re constantly doing new things.

#27 Make sure you’re using unique content    

If someone’s already written an article that covers what you’re trying to say, there’s no reason for them to click through your links on a SERP instead! The only way to ensure that people don’t find the same content somewhere else is by making sure you’re using original content.

#28 Use WordPress    

WordPress is a great way to get your website up and running with very little effort. If you have some HTML experience, you should be able to get started quickly! There are thousands of plugins and extensions that can help make your site look better without having to do any extra coding.

#29 Use the right keywords in your content    

No one wants to read through an article that doesn’t make any sense, so consider making sure you’re using appropriate keywords and phrases throughout your article. This is a great way to get people to stick around for longer!

#30 Make sure you have links to other sites    

If you want your website to rank at the top, make sure that you’re using links throughout your content. If people are reading something interesting on another site, they will want to check out more of it! That’s how search engines work too-the more places you show up, the better chance that someone will find you and click through.

#31 Try using a few of the same keywords in your posts    

Instead of repeating yourself for each post, try to use the same keyword or two throughout several posts. This is a great way to show Google that you’re targeting one niche and should rank higher as a result!

#32 Use social media  

If people are talking about you on Twitter, Facebook and the rest, make sure that you’re joining in with them. You can also use social media to spread your website’s name out there-not a lot of people know what LinkedIn is used for but it’s still a great place to push your site’s name!

#33 Link from guest posts      

If you want to make sure you’re getting the most out of SEO, consider looking for guest posting opportunities on other websites. You’ll be able to put a link in your bio that will help people click through when they see it and that kind of traffic can really boost your SERP!

#34 Make sure you’re using the right title  

If your title doesn’t show up in search results, people won’t be able to find it! Keep in mind that sometimes a longer title can get more attention than a short one.

#35 Make sure your images are high quality    

Google needs high quality images in order to give credit to your articles. If you have a lot of low quality pictures on your website, it’s something to look into!

#36 Don’t forget the h tags  

H tags are an HTML code that allows information about your links to be read by search engines. This is a great way to make sure that people can actually find what they’re looking for through search results.

#37 Speed up your page load time    

If a web page takes too long to load, people will click away before they’ve seen anything. There are dozens of things you can do to speed up your site-look into using a CDN service for images and use caching plugins so that pages have to reload less often

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How to Rank your Moving Company Website at the Top of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) 4

SEO is a process that relies on the basics of human psychology and behavior to be successful. It requires marketers to know their audience, understand how they think and what drives them towards action.

The more you can learn about your customer’s brain, the better off you will be when it comes time for ranking in SERPs or driving sales through online marketing channels.

If all this sounds intimidating and you want help enacting these principles, let us know. Our team of experts are ready and waiting to partner with you to create a stellar SEO or marketing plan that drives sales by considering how your customers think.


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