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There’s a lot of misinformation on the internet about how Google ranks websites. But there are some basic principles you can follow to make your site rank better in organic search results. The first step is to understand what Google is trying to do when they rank sites.

Google wants its searchers to find exactly what they are looking for quickly and easily, which means that relevant content will rank higher than irrelevant content.

This doesn’t mean that all high-quality content will rank well, but it does permit us to be creative in our writing without worrying too much about keyword density or using every single trigger word in the book. It’s also important not only what you write but how you optimize your page so it appears at the top of the search results.

Although it’s important to understand the basics of how Google ranks sites, you have to stay up-to-date on the latest updates to take advantage of them. For example, if you were to write about “how to lose ten pounds by eating ice cream” 6 months ago, that article would probably get a lot of search engine traffic.

However, that type of content is not relevant anymore because Google adjusts its algorithms all the time to weed out irrelevant results. This means it’s more difficult to write an article about a topic that will be relevant for years to come, so you need to constantly research new practices and tricks you can use to stay on top of Google’s game.

For example, you can get traffic to your site by writing articles that are relevant but not necessarily groundbreaking. Google knows what sets apart a groundbreaking piece of content from an old news story or second-hand information, so if you’re looking for a quick way to boost your traffic you can create new versions of popular types of content and improve upon them.

For example, if you were to write the article I mentioned before about “15 ways to lose ten pounds by eating ice cream” you can message affiliate marketers and bloggers who recently wrote similar articles and offer to republish their content so long as they include backlinks.

If your site ranks well on Google’s search engine, not only will you get more free traffic but people are also more likely to buy your products or sign up for your email list.

As I mentioned earlier, Google constantly updates its algorithm to include new content and weed out old information. This means that if you want to stay one step ahead of the competition it’s important that you use the latest tricks and techniques to optimize your site.

For example, you can start by using this guide I wrote about 15 sneaky tricks to make your website rank better on Google

You could also mention that people often try to game the system by paying for backlinks or buying mass amounts of spammy traffic that won’t lead to long-term traffic or sales.

It’s also important to remember that even though Google doesn’t like spammy links and manipulated backlinks, this doesn’t mean that purchasing a few targeted backlinks won’t help your site get better rankings. In other words, you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on paid marketing ads to get the best results.

You can mention that it’s important to use a technique called “keyword research” and find out what type of content your target audience is looking for.

So let’s dive into the sneaky tricks:

#1: Image Optimization – The first sneaky trick to make your website rank better on Google is to optimize your images.

If you add alt text and a caption with specific keywords, then you can improve SEO for the page that the image links to.

For example, if you wanted to improve how well your site ranks for “organic dog food” you would write the caption as “a bag of 100% natural dog food” and put some related keywords in the alt text like “dog biscuits, organic treats, healthy snacks”.

You could also mention that it’s important to optimize not only your images but your videos too. If you’re having trouble visualizing what optimization means for video content, then try to think of it as a way to make the content more engaging and shareable.

#2: Social Media Signals -The second sneaky trick is to increase your social media signals.

This means that if you have a Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or LinkedIn account you need to add these social buttons on every piece of content you create.

And it’s not just about having these buttons on your site but having the proper amount of followers or social signals for each account too. For example, if you have ten Twitter accounts with 1-10 tweets and 100 Twitter followers each it’s unlikely that Google will take your “social” engagement seriously because there isn’t enough signal for them to consider your Twitter page relevant.

#3: Link Building – The third sneaky trick is to get more links to your site.

This means that you want to build links from credible sites and social media accounts so Google knows your content deserves to rank higher in their search results.

If you’re not sure how well your website’s SEO is ranking for certain keywords, then I recommend using a tool like Semrush or Moz to help you find which keywords are performing best and how often they’re being searched for.

#4: Mobile Optimized – The fourth sneaky trick is making sure that your site loads quickly on mobile devices too.

The fact of the matter is that most websites are still not optimized properly for mobile users, but this doesn’t mean that it won’t hurt your SEO rankings.

In fact, Google recently announced that they will now be using mobile-friendliness as a ranking factor so it’s important to make sure that your site loads quickly on all devices.

#5: Site Speed – The fifth sneaky trick is making sure that your site isn’t loading too slow either.

Just like how Google will penalize you for having a slow-loading website, users won’t want to wait around and see if something loaded properly either.

If you’re seeing major problems with site speed try using quick page/website load tools like GTmetrix or Pingdom Tools. These types of tools can often help identify how well optimized your website is and the best ways to improve the loading speed.

#6: Anchor Text – The sixth sneaky trick is to use the right type of anchor text for your internal links.

Again, this means that you don’t want to purchase backlinks from low-quality directories or websites because Google’s algorithm will think it’s spammy and penalize your website.

Instead, try finding opportunities where you can link to other pages on your site with keywords in the anchor text like “coupons” or “discounts”. You could also mention linking out to reputable sites (like Moz) with targeted keywords like “SEO strategy” instead of using generic phrases like “click here.”

#7: Bounce Rate – The seventh sneaky trick is sure that people are engaging with your website after they visit.

A bounce rate means that people are simply visiting your site and leaving without clicking on any additional links or pages.

This is bad for many reasons, but mainly because it tells Google’s algorithm that you have poor content or the best landing page to attract people online.

#8: Page Loading Time – The eighth trick is to make sure that people are staying around long enough to explore more of your site too.

It seems counterintuitive at first, but if people are finding other links on your site then that can actually boost your rankings instead of hinder them.

You should also use tools like Yslow (which checks for both page speed and bounce rates) to monitor how well users can navigate your website.

#9: Site Architecture – The ninth trick is to make sure you’re setting up your site properly.

This means that you should identify the need for separate mobile sites, product pages, or category descriptions too.

Google’s algorithm uses complex rules when it comes to how well optimized your site is, and this trick will help you stand out in front of much larger websites (and much older ones).

#10: GMB Listing – The tenth trick is to make sure that you take advantage of Google’s features.

One of these is called “Google My Business” where websites can claim their business listing and connect it with proper Google analytics integration.

This helps storytellers know who is visiting your page, how often they’re visiting, what countries they’re from, and much more.

It also allows you to optimize the right meta title, description, keyword tags, etc. which all help improve your rankings for specific keywords or search phrases.

#11: Blog Posts – The eleventh trick is to make sure that you’re constantly producing fresh blog content.

This helps Google’s algorithm to determine what your site is all about and how often it changes (among other things).

It also helps keep users engaged because they’ll know that you’re adding new content fairly regularly too.

#12: Mobile User Interface – The twelfth trick is making sure that your website is optimized for mobile visitors.  

The fact of the matter is that most websites are still not optimized properly for mobile users, but this doesn’t mean that it won’t hurt your SEO rankings.  In fact, Google recently announced that they will now be using mobile-friendliness as a ranking factor so yeah, you should probably get on this.

#13: HTTPS – The thirteenth trick is to make sure that your site is encrypted with “HTTPS”.

This helps Google understand that you’re using SSL encryption which compels them to give your website more credibility than others who don’t use it.

It also helps improve trust between users and can be a great marketing tool in general because of how secure it appears overall even though the benefits are purely based on Google’s algorithm.  For your entire website to show up as an HTTPS connection, you’ll need to contact your web host about updating the SSL certificate or installing one if it doesn’t already exist.

#14: Mobile-Friendly Navigation – The fourteenth trick is to make sure that your website has a clear and easy navigation system.

This may sound like common sense, but it’s not always obvious when you’re creating content or writing blog posts that there needs to be a solid navigation system in place.  This means having clear and distinct links for users to click (and not just making their online experience frustrating in general).

#15: Social Activity – The fifteenth and final trick are to make sure that you use social media effectively.

This doesn’t necessarily mean spamming Facebook or Twitter because there are proper methods of using social media as part of your overall marketing strategy which includes developing relationships with potential customers through things like “retweets” and sharing other content too.  You can also create a Facebook page for your website and build a following so that you continually have an audience to share new blog posts with.

The bottom line is that your site needs to stay active in terms of being able to produce quality content, be optimized properly from an SEO standpoint, and have a strong user interface to keep visitors interested in what you have to share.

You mustn’t just write the 15 tips because the list should include much more detail than this offers.  

This is just a brief outline or overview of how to make sure your site ranks well on Google despite other websites that may already be existing (which probably do some of these things better than you). If anything, hopefully, this serves as a reminder for some of the most important factors involved, but try to go into further detail if possible.

The bottom line is that your site needs to stay active in terms of being able to produce quality content, be optimized properly from an SEO standpoint, and have a strong user interface to keep visitors interested in what you have to share.  You mustn’t just write the 15 tips because the list should include much more detail than this offers.  

Alignment Online Marketing is a web development company. They offer a wide range of website design and search engine optimization services which allow business owners to get more customers from the internet by having a strong online presence that ranks well in Google’s search results.


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