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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has changed dramatically over the last few years. Google now links to external websites rather than collecting them all within its domain, and many new challenges arise with this change in strategy. However, there are also many new opportunities for businesses to step up their game and make sure they’re on top of everything! To make sure your business is running as efficiently as possible in 2020, here’s a list of 24 tips you should know about Search Engine Optimization:

1) Make Sure Your Website Is Mobile-Friendly!

Google has been pushing hard for a more mobile-centric Internet world since 2015 when it launched “Mobilegeddon.” Mobile devices have grown increasingly popular since then, so your website must be mobile-friendly.

This starts with responsive design, which adapts the site to suit the device it’s being viewed on. However, Google now penalizes sites that use Flash as well. Make sure your site is not only mobile-friendly but also fully accessible with HTML5!

2) Optimize for Speed!

Google’s main priority is to give its users the best experience that it can. Something that impacts user experience is how quickly a website loads on a mobile device. Studies have shown that 52% of mobile users will leave a website if it doesn’t load in three seconds or less, and Google has taken note of this statistic.

3) Keyword Research & Optimization

Keywords are still highly important, but you need to understand that they’re not nearly as relevant to Google’s indexing process as they used to be. Google is much more likely to use the keywords it thinks best fit your content, rather than picking up on them simply for their SEO value.

4) Mix It Up! Link Building Isn’t What It Used To Be…

Of course, in 2020 Google isn’t looking to build an index of websites like it used to. However, this has opened up new possibilities for websites to gain authority and rank by linking to other sites instead of having all the links pointing toward theirs!

5) Social Media Marketing Is Still A Must

You may not see social media pop up in Google’s rankings too often anymore, but that doesn’t mean it’s no longer important to businesses! Social media is still a great way to build your brand and engage with customers, so make sure you stay active.

6) Write Fresh Content Regularly!

Google’s algorithms are always changing, which can sometimes call for drastic changes in strategy. New updates – like the Mobile-First Index – have made it even more vital for businesses to keep up with the trends.

Google still prioritizes quality content over everything else, so you should still be focusing on new and fresh ideas rather than recycled material. However, that doesn’t mean you have to reinvent the wheel every time! Just put a new spin on old ideas. For example, consider offering an all-new section on the old topic or creating a list of top 10 tips.

7) Get Visual!

Sites with images perform better in Google’s search rankings, so it pays off to use as many pictures as possible! You can also include videos and infographics; they’re great for capturing interest and keeping the reader’s attention.

8) Location, Location, Location…

Google now indexes information off of other sites rather than building its index. So it’s no longer enough to just send Google a sitemap file – you need to make sure the site is indexed on other sites as well!

9) Use HTTPS!

If your website has an SSL certificate, Google will rank it higher. This is because SSL encryption is now a known indicator of trustworthiness, so Google applies this to all websites which are protected with an SSL certificate.

10) Pick Your Links Carefully!

Google doesn’t just pick up on keywords anymore – it looks for authority and relevance as well. So if you’re looking to gain links, you need to make sure that they are relevant to your business. If you want to be linked by a site about basketball, don’t just get in touch with the NBA!

11) Research Your Competition!

Although it’s no longer enough for businesses to simply rank higher than their competitors, it still pays off to know who your competition is. Make sure you know where they’re getting links from, what keywords they’re focusing on, and how long their content tends to stay relevant.

12) Watch Your Back!

Once you’ve finished optimizing your site, you need to keep an eye on it regularly. Google makes frequent updates, so check back regularly to make sure nothing has changed.

13) Complete Site Maps & Sitemaps

Although these aren’t as important for ranking anymore, they’re still great tools for brands that don’t have many links pointing to their website yet.

They can also be great ways to gain new links, as well as helping you attract more visitors.

14) Organize Your Metadata!

Your metadata is going to be used a lot more now that Google looks at other websites for information. Make sure your site is properly optimized by using the right kind of keywords and making sure they appear in the right order.

ETA – Site maps are no longer used to rank websites. Google looks at other sites for information now rather than building its index. Make sure you have complete site maps and sitemaps to attract more visitors.

15) Keep an Eye on Local Search Rankings!

As local search becomes more popular, brands need to make their local business stand out from the crowd. Make sure your address and phone number are easy to find on every page, as well as any other relevant information about your location that potential customers might be interested in.

Google looks at other sites for information now rather than building its index. Make sure you have complete site maps and sitemaps to attract more visitors. This is especially important for local SEO.

16) Check Your Analytics!

Keep an eye on your analytics regularly. Are you getting the numbers of views or conversions that you were expecting? If not, this could be a sign that something is wrong with your keywords, meta descriptions, or other important information.

Google looks at other sites for information now rather than building its index. Make sure you have complete site maps and sitemaps to attract more visitors. This is especially important for local SEO and in-depth analytics can help businesses with this.

17) Update Your Expertise!

If your website is about a specific niche, it’s probably got lots of competition. Make sure you stay up to date with everything happening in your industry so that you can keep your website relevant and useful for everyone!

Google looks at other sites for information now rather than building its index. Make sure you have complete site maps and sitemaps to attract more visitors. This is especially important for local SEO and in-depth analytics can help businesses with this. If your website is about a specific niche, it’s probably got lots of competition so you’ll need to stay up to date in your industry!

18) Make the Most of Your Mobile Site!

Nearly half of all searches are now happening on mobile devices, so having a mobile-friendly site is now more important than ever! Make sure all your pages load quickly and easily, as well as offering relevant information to the user.

19) Link Out to Other Websites!

Google used to be very strict about external links – they didn’t want other sites linking back to them and taking away valuable rankings. Now, they want sites to link out to each other, as long as it’s done in a relevant and useful way.

Google used to be very strict about external links – they didn’t want other sites linking back to them and taking away valuable rankings. Now, they want sites to link out to each other, as long as it’s done in a relevant and useful way!

20) Participate in Communities & Forums!

If you want to rank for more competitive terms, you’ll need lots of great backlinks. Sites like Reddit are full of people looking for answers – so make sure you answer their questions and leave your details so they can visit you later!

21) Keep It Natural!

Natural SEO is all about creating something useful and relevant to the user. Guest blogging is a great way to get your name out there – make sure you let people know where they can find more information from you, as well as giving them plenty of opportunities to learn about your business and contact you!

Natural SEO is all about creating something useful and relevant to the user. Guest blogging is a great way to get your name out there – make sure you let people know where they can find more information from you, as well as giving them plenty of opportunities to learn about your business and contact you!

22) Use Plenty of Headings!

This is an easy way to break up your content and make it easier for search engine bots to crawl. It also makes your webpage more attractive for users!

Make sure you use plenty of headings using h1, h2, h3, etc so that the website looks organized and attractive for users!

23) Keep an Eye on Your Rankings!

Make sure you have analytics installed so you can watch your rankings change over time. This will help you see what’s working and what isn’t, so you know where to focus your efforts!

24) Be Patient!

It takes time to build up SEO – it won’t happen overnight! You’ll need to regularly check your rankings and make sure you’re on the right track. If you need any help, get in touch with an SEO professional to guide you through it all!

While the SEO landscape has changed drastically over the last few years, there are still many opportunities for businesses to stay on top of everything.

Whether you’re looking for new strategies or need help with an existing website, these tips should be able to get you started in your journey towards mastering Search Engine Optimization (SEO). If all this information sounds overwhelming and you want a little more guidance before taking action, don’t hesitate to reach out! Our team is ready and waiting to partner with you to create a stellar digital marketing plan that will drive traffic by considering how your customers think.

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