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When you’re looking for a moving company, your first port of call should be the search engine. If your target audience is in your region (local), then you’ll want to make sure that you rank as high on the result pages as possible.

The following is a guide with some tips for local optimization and how to increase your rankings for local moving companies.

Start by Finding Keywords

Before you can start optimizing, it’s best to know which keywords people are searching for. Use the keyword planner tool in Google AdWords and make your own list of words that people type into the search engine when looking for a good moving company. You may also want to include some local terms here as well.

You can also use tools such as ubersuggest to find additional keywords that a lot of people are searching for when looking for a moving company. I’d recommend using both tools to ensure that you’re covering the widest spectrum of terms that you could potentially rank for.

The most popular search engines will have millions of search queries every day.

How can you find out what your potential customers are searching for?

Let’s say you want to buy a new smartphone. All you have to do is type in ‘best smartphones 2016’ and the search engine will display all the websites which rank best for this keyword (amongst other things). You just need to click through until you find the best deal or you can take it even further and go directly to the manufacturer’s website if you want.

On a moving company, this could be the area that you need to work on so that people find your business when they’re searching for ‘best local movers’.

How Can You Improve Your Mover Website Rankings?

Next up, you’ll need to know what your competition’s doing.

If you’re not ranking for a lot of search terms, then it could be because someone else is taking them all away from you. So, think about the key terms that potential customers are searching for and see if there is anything in common. Check out the top three results and work out why they’re ranking so well. This way, you can learn how to do it better than them.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is something that takes a lot of time and effort but it’s an essential part of any modern business strategy. After all, the more traffic you get from search engines – free or otherwise – the happier your business will be.

That’s why it’s a good idea to use SEO services in 2022 (if you haven’t done so already). And remember, when it comes to local SEO for moving companies, your website can play an important role in generating more traffic. Below are some of the most common mistakes that people make when trying to do their own SEO for local moving companies.

Not Paying Attention To Your Analytics – Are you getting a good amount of traffic from search engines?

If not, then your website probably isn’t optimized for that type of traffic. You can find out more about how to set up analytics in this resource.

Don’t Have A Responsive Web Design – This is another problem that a lot of companies make. Not many people have good websites which are optimized for mobile devices (usually tablets and smartphones).

If you want more local SEO, then it’s important to have a responsive web design so that people can see your business website from their phones if they need to. You’ll also need to check whether your website works well on all mobile devices too.

Too Much Text On Your Homepage – This is not good from a search engine optimization perspective.

In fact, the search engines will actually penalize you for making your homepage too text-heavy.

The best way to fix this problem is by using an ‘about us page as well as a full detail page that explains what type of business you run.

You also need to include a call-to-action button on your website which will direct people to another page that tries to sell or inform them about your products/services. It doesn’t matter what kind of business you are in, you should always be trying to get people onto other pages of your site.

Make sure that your website is easy to access from mobile devices.

You can also use SEO software and Google Webmaster Tools to help you with the technical side of things.

It’s worth spending a little bit of money on good SEO services near you in 2022 (if you feel that it’s beyond your skill level). However, you should always be on the lookout for companies that can help you out with this kind of problem. A good professional SEO company near me will take your website to the next level and get more free traffic than ever before.

With these tips in mind, you’ll have a much better chance of generating more revenue from your local moving business.

Remember, the more people you get to visit your website the there’s more chance of them making a purchase or signing up for whatever it is that you’re selling. This could be anything from a moving order form to a product/service brochure.

If anyone needs help with local SEO, then feel free to contact me at offer@optymizer.com. I’m more than happy to offer advice on any local SEO matter or problem that you may be experiencing.

Don’t Be Afraid To Speak To A Pro

Local SEO is something that many people don’t think of when it comes to their business plan. However, it’s one of the most important factors in generating free traffic and more sales.

With these tips and tricks, you’ll be able to rank higher on search engines and generate more revenue from your local moving company. Good luck!


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