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The internet has changed the way people obtain and share information. It’s created a global marketplace of goods and services, an infinite library, and endless opportunities for entertainment. But with all these benefits come risks-risks that threaten to topple even the biggest giants on the World Wide Web.

One of those risks is Google’s Panda update which targets sites with thin or duplicate content, sites without proper meta tags (title, description), pages that are not mobile-friendly etc.

The good news? There are plenty of things you can do to make your site rank higher in search engine results pages like Google PageRank for example! And in this article we’ll explore some of them in greater detail: from optimizing your user interface to making sure you have quality keywords and content.

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12 Important Things You Didn't Know About On-Page SEO 6

1 – The Importance of On-Page SEO

The world of internet marketing is a vast one, and it seems like there are more things to learn than you could possibly keep up with. And yet, in spite of the massive amount of information that’s out there, it still feels as though we haven’t learned everything there is to know about online marketing.

On-page SEO, for instance, is a vital part of any SEO campaign, yet some people seem to take it for granted. One of the greatest challenges that we face in SEO is making sure that our clients understand the value of on-page optimization.

It’s easy for them to assume that all they need to do is write a good article and then let search engines do all the hard work. Unfortunately, it doesn’t quite work like that. On-page SEO is a crucial aspect of any search engine optimization campaign, and if you don’t optimize your site’s on-page factors, you’re leaving money and traffic on the table.

In this article we’ll explore some of the most important things that people don’t know about on-page SEO. These are the types of things that your clients need to learn if they want their sites to truly shine in the search engines.

2 – What is Google’s Panda Update and How Does it Affect Your Site Rank in Search Engines ?

One of the most important things that you need to understand about Panda is what it isn’t. It’s not a search engine; it doesn’t give out PageRank or decide which sites get listed in the SERPs, and it certainly doesn’t tell Google how to rank pages within their listings.

But don’t let that fool you into thinking that it’s not an important update. In fact, this is one of the most important updates in recent history because what Google wants is more organic content, and Panda exists for the sole purpose of helping Google achieve that goal.

Panda targets sites with thin or duplicate content-sites that have spammy link profiles. It doesn’t penalize you for having spammy links on your site, but it does penalize you if the content itself is thin and not worth sharing with others.

The goal of Panda is to ensure that users only get high-quality search results when they use Google’s search engine. If sites don’t have the right information or links, then Google won’t give them the right page rank.

Here’s what Google’s Panda update is all about: improving search results for users in part by lowering their bounce rate and increasing dwell time (i.e., the amount of time visitors spend on your site).

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12 Important Things You Didn't Know About On-Page SEO 7

3 – Tips to Increase your Website’s PageRank

One of the things you need to do as a webmaster is ensure that your site’s PageRank is always on an upward trajectory. No matter what site you’re working on, from ecommerce sites to lead generation pages, it’s important to find ways to improve your site’s PageRank and increase hits and traffic.

What are some of the easiest ways to do that?

The first thing you want to do is make sure that your site’s user interface makes sense. It should be easy for people to navigate around and click on the links they want. If your site is a mess of disorganized links, or if it’s not optimized for mobile users, then you’re going to see a drop in your PageRank. The first thing you need to do as a webmaster is work on the user interface of your site!

What else can you do to improve PageRank? Post high-quality, useful content on a regular basis. It doesn’t matter which SEO tactics you employ if they aren’t used for good content that’s valuable to users.

There are a lot of different ways to optimize your site’s content for search engines, so make sure that you don’t neglect this aspect of on-page SEO. Your goal should always be to create the best possible content with links and keywords sprinkled in naturally. If you can do that consistently, then you’ll see continual increases in your PageRank.

4 – Why is Keyword Density Important?

Prior to Google’s Panda update, it was a given that keyword density mattered. You needed to have your target keyword in the right places on your page (title, body content, etc.) for optimal positioning in search engine results pages (SERPs). However, since the release of this new algorithm update, keywords and keyword densities are still important, but not as important as they once were.

The Panda algorithm update was designed to reward sites that provide the best user experience (UX). These updated guidelines prohibit pages with over-optimized content, meaning you should edit your existing page copy and remove unnecessary keywords or keyword phrases before publishing your site. The reason for doing this is simple: Google wants to ensure that your page is providing the best and most relevant results for users.

Another tip: avoid stuffing keywords into anchor text, as it can backfire if too many are present on a single page. Also, don’t try to stuff too many keywords into the title tag-it might cause search engines to penalize you instead of boost your page rank.

5 – Watch Your Content Length and On-Page Optimization

Keyword density isn’t the only on-page SEO factor that has changed since Google’s Panda update hit the scene. Too much content (or poorly organized content) can hurt your site, too! Longer articles are great for the user experience, but they can be frowned upon by search engines.

Content that is overly ‘thin’ can also hurt your search rankings. Remember-it’s not just keywords and density that you have to worry about anymore! Some other things to keep in mind when it comes to content length :

If you have a lot of great content already on your site, it might be worth creating an entirely new section that is specifically dedicated to including more content. This can help with search engine rankings while also helping users!

Keep in mind that users are often drawn by page titles and meta descriptions . Since search engines rely heavily on these elements as well, they want to see that your site is optimized for the user experience.

Consider what you do when you visit a site-do you look at the first paragraph or are you drawn into reading more? Make sure there’s enough interesting content to keep a reader engaged. This will hopefully drive more traffic and help with search engine rankings!

Don’t forget to include internal links! Doing so can help users navigate your site and it also helps search engines determine how authoritative the different sections of your site are.

This isn’t a complete guide on content length but these tips will hopefully get you started in the right direction for creating better user experiences-which is great for both search engine rankings and the user experience!

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12 Important Things You Didn't Know About On-Page SEO 8

6 – What You Need To Know About Google Panda

The goal of Google’s Panda update was to ensure that only the highest-quality content makes it to the top of search results, and there are a number of rules you must follow if you want your site to rise through the SERPs. Chief among them is the need to provide users with helpful and original content that provides a solid user experience. You must also make sure that any links your site has are relevant and not filled with spam or copycat content. Let’s look at some specifics on how you can help your site become more search engine friendly:

Quality of Content This is one of the biggest things you should keep in mind when optimizing your site . Make sure that what you’re publishing is original and helpful to users-this can go a long way! Make sure any images on your page are relevant to the topic at hand.

SEO Friendly Links Again, this isn’t something new, but it’s important enough that it bears repeating. Make sure that any links you include are relevant to the topic of your content-and avoid spammy or irrelevant links. Essentially, make sure that every link on your site is adding something positive to the user experience and search engines will reward you for it!

Make Sure Your Site/Content Is Easy To Navigate A big part of user experience is ensuring that the user feels they are in control of how they use your site. Ensure this by providing easy to navigate links and not too many tools or features that can get in the way. This will help with your search engine rankings but it also helps increase user engagement!

7 – What is the Proper Way to Create Content?

Creating content can be tough, especially if you’re doing it alone. But there are a lot of things you can do to make sure that your posts are as easy to read and understand as possible.  The first thing you want to do is make sure that the posts are relevant to your site and contain keywords or phrases that people would use to search for something like what you are writing about.  Next, you want to create a headline that will entice users to read more and get a bit of info about what they can expect from the post.

If you’re writing about a general topic, be sure to include some subheaders so that users can find more specific information if they are only interested in that part of your post.  Don’t forget about the image aspect-you want to make sure that any images you have are relevant and easy to understand as well!

12 Important Things You Didn't Know About On-Page SEO
12 Important Things You Didn't Know About On-Page SEO 9

8 – Make Your Website Mobile Friendly

With mobile internet usage on the rise, it’s no surprise that Google has been changing their algorithm to reflect this. In fact, if you want your site to rank in search engines, you need to ensure that it is mobile friendly. There are a number of ways you can do this-one of which is simply ensuring that whatever site design or layout you choose is compatible with mobile devices as well as desktop.  Another way is to ensure that your content can be accessed by a mobile device without any issues.

If you want your site to rank well in the search engines and be mobile friendly, keep this important factor top of mind – Speed is an Important On-Page SEO Factor!

Speed matters when it comes to building a good on-page seo foundation (along with many other things) but don’t overlook it just because the user interface factor is so much more important.

It’s 2022 and having a fast loading site matters greatly in the search engines and for user experience. If you want to know how to improve a website’s load time, check out my blog post on How To Speed Up Your Website .

7 – Use Structured Data

Using structured data in your on-page SEO strategy is important for many reasons. Structured data makes it easier for search engines to find and crawl your site, which increases your website’s chances of ranking well organically. It also gives the search engine valuable information about your site as Google sees it. This information is what ultimately provides you with traffic for your site. Structured data is an important on-page seo factor that should never be overlooked.

Think of it this way: If all the information in your website is written with descriptive headers and sub-headers, then search engines can easily understand what you’re trying to say. That means more traffic for you!

“Take a look at this site’s homepage: [Your Site] . You’ll notice that there are sectional headers along with normal <h1> headers to structure the content. This is what I mean by using <h1> headers to structure your content.”

To make your headings even more visible, you can also include them in your page’s HTML title tag. That way they’ll appear at the very top of Google’s results pages, which will help to increase your site’s click-through rate (and thus, your overall traffic).

This is especially important if you’re considering a long-term on-page seo strategy. Structured data helps search engines to understand your site better, which in turn increases your chances of ranking well organically for those important keywords and phrases.

8 – Suggestions for Improving Title Tags Output in SERPs

Google typically displays website titles that are 70 characters or less in search engine results pages. Some variations of the title tag can be up to 50 more characters than this, which is actually impressive considering how wordy most websites’ titles tend to be.  In addition, Google usually doesn’t include your site’s brand name in their title tags. Check out SEMrush.com for their take on the length of title tags in SERPs.

What does this mean for you as a webmaster? This means that you have to be extra careful when crafting your site’s title tag if you want it to rank well in search engines like Google or Bing. Don’t make the mistake of thinking they’ll always display your full title tag in SERPs. They won’t.

Find out why this is important when it comes to on-page seo and SEO in general by reading my blog post, What Is A Title Tag? .

9 – How Important Are Your Image Alt Tags?

You can optimize image alt tags for search engine spiders with proper on-page seo. Image alt tags are very important when it comes to SEO as they allow the search engine spider to understand what’s in the picture. If you use a text based alt tag instead, then nothing will show up for that specific image – even if there is an embedded video or some other rich media content. A good alternative is to use a keyword or phrase in your alt tag that is relevant to what you’re trying to rank well for.

It’s also a good idea to keep an eye on your image alt tags to make sure you don’t have something in there that is no longer accurate.

If you’re going to put keywords and phrases into specific places within your content, then it’s critical that you also make use of those keywords and phrases in your image alt tags. This is important because it helps you to establish a relationship between the two when it comes time for Google’s search engine bots to evaluate where your site ranks for specific terms.

10 – Good Content is Paramount

You have to keep in mind that your written content matters when it comes to on-page seo. You want search engine bots like Google’s PageRank algorithm and Bing Bot’s visit frequency calculation to take note of the fact that your site has good information, leaving a good impression as a result. The more value you give to your users, the better it is for you in terms of rankings. If you invest a great deal of time and effort into creating quality content, then search engines will be right there to reward you with higher rankings when your site gets that all-important first visit from a web surfer. Be sure not to forget about page titles within your content too. In the world of on-page seo, titles are king. Don’t be afraid to put that first heading in your content at the top for good measure. It makes a big difference when it comes to search engine rankings.

11 – Don’t Forget to Keep an Eye on Your Headings

Heading tags (H1, H2, etc.) are important when it comes from an on-page seo standpoint . This is because they allow search engine bots like Google’s PageRank algorithm and Bing Bot’s visit frequency calculation to understand how to appropriately “categorize” your

When you set up a redirect, keep in mind that it could have an effect on how well your site ranks in SERPs. Even if the redirect is immediately initiated, it could cause a temporary dip in your ranking, as the search engine bot takes time to find that you’ve moved and updated old information.

Go through each of your categories or sub-categories and make sure you created links for all existing pages under them. Remember not to create too many links per page, as this is something Google looks for when determining if you are trying to abuse the system.

This is important because it affects how long it will take your site to load and its bounce rate . (As a general rule of thumb, regardless of what niche you’re in, make sure that the maximum time your pages take to load do not exceed 3 seconds.) Increasing page speed also improves your site’s user experience, which in turn can positively affect your SEO.

It is highly recommended that you use a content distribution website such as HootSuite or TweetDeck to schedule your tweets and monitor the engagement they generate. This allows you to maximize people’s reach and minimize the time you’ll need to spend on social media.

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12 – You Can Do This!

Whatever your niche, on-page seo is important – regardless of what you do.

In fact, even if you’re just starting out or haven’t been involved with SEO before, it’s easy to see that taking a few extra minutes per page can really make all the difference in terms of your site ranking better within the SERPs.

This is why it’s recommended to start including good keywords and relevant content within them as early on in the development process of your site, so that you can have more control over its ranking when you publish it. In this case, think about using a service like Google Webmaster Tools for regular tracking purposes.

In Conclusion

The more you know about on-page seo, the better your chances will be of having your site ranked in search engines. You can think of it like a relationship between the two when it comes time for Google’s search engine bots to evaluate where your site ranks for specific terms.

Once you’ve done that, go ahead and take advantage!

We recommend using alignmentonline.com for On-Page SEO because they are the best at what they do and can be trusted to help you rank higher in search engines with little effort on your part. There’s no need to worry about whether or not your site will get penalized by Google when it comes time for a major update if you take advantage of their services today!


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